Email: lint0852@ctbu.edu.cn
教育背景:2011/11—2015/11 博士 香港浸会大学
2009/09—2011/06 硕士 中山大学
2005/09—2009/06 本科 中山大学
LIN Tao,Wang Donggen, Zhou Meng. Residential relocation and changes in travel behavior: what is the role of social context change? Transportation Research Part A. 2018(111):360-374
LIN Tao, Wang Donggen, Guan Xiaodong. The built environment, travel attitude, and travel behavior: Residential self-selection or residential determination? Journal of Transport Geography. 2017(65):111-122.
WANG Donggen, LIN Tao. Built environment, travel behavior, and residential self-selection: a study based on panel data from Beijing, China. Transportation. 2017(46):51-74
Lin Tao & Wang Donggen, 2015. Tradeoffs between in- and out-of-residential neighborhood locations for discretionary activities and time use: Do social contexts matter? Journal of Transport Geography, 47:119-127.
Lin Tao & Wang Donggen, 2014. Social networks and joint/solo activity-travel behavior. Transportation Research Part A, 68, 18-31.
Wang Donggen & Lin Tao, 2013. Built environments, social environments, and activity-travel behavior: a case study of Hong Kong. Journal of Transport Geography, 31, 286-295.
Wang Donggen & Lin Tao, 2014. Residential Self-Selection, Built Environment and Travel Behavior in the Chinese Context. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 7(3),5-14.
林韬,陈彩媛.西南地区城镇化与工业化发展关系特征及其政策启示.现代城市研究, 2020(02):117-124.
林韬,金刚. 经济新常态下乌鲁木齐人口城镇化特征及动力机制研究, 中国城市研究,科学出版社, 2019(10): 79-89.
覃光旭,林韬,唐磊,吴松. 渝东南地区用地适宜性评价及人口容量研究. 城市建筑,2018(20):58-61.
薛德升, 林韬, 黄耿志, 2014. 珠三角外向型制造业非正规部门的形成发展机制——以广州狮岭镇皮具产业为例. 地理研究, 33(4), 698-709.
薛德升, 黄耿志, 翁晓丽, 林韬, 2010. 改革开放以来中国城市全球化的发展过程. 地理学报, 65(10), 1155-1162.