Jiang X, Deng F, Yang D, et al. The effects of residential mobility on consumers’ preference for paradox brands[J]. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, 78: 103727.(中科院SSCI一区Top期刊)
The present study investigates paradox brands, which incorporate contradictory brand meanings, and explores the influence of residential mobility on consumers’ evaluations of these brands from a socio-ecological perspective. This research presents three experimental studies conducted in two distinct markets: China and the United States. The findings reveal that consumers who experience residential mobility (vs. stability) are more likely to positively appraise paradox brands and prefer them over traditional brands without contradictions. This preference is attributed to a stronger dialectical self among consumers with greater residential mobility. Furthermore, a stronger dialectical self is associated with more positive evaluations and preferences for paradoxical brands. This study highlights the role of residential mobility in fostering paradoxical brands and emphasizes its significance in both residential mobility and brand development domains.